Revolutionize the Way You Look at Debt

How to use debt to come closer to Christ This was it, this was the moment. This was the place. As terrified as I was I knew it was time for me to enter an eating disorder treatment center. The only problem was that there was $2,000 down payment in order to be admitted. My husband and I couldn't afford that. We were just poor Mormon college students. We talked about selling our own possessions but nothing we had was worth that much. No matter how we looked at it, we could not afford the down payment.

Revolutionize the Way You Look at Debt

How to use debt to come closer to Christ This was it, this was the moment. This was the place. As terrified as I was I knew it was time for me to enter an eating disorder treatment center. The only problem was that there was $2,000 down payment in order to be admitted. My husband and I couldn't afford that. We were just poor Mormon college students. We talked about selling our own possessions but nothing we had was worth that much. No matter how we looked at it, we could not afford the down payment.

I Wanted to Serve but the Answer Was No

I was 19 when the age changed happened and women could leave on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at that age. Let me tell you, I had no clue what to think when I heard that! It was an exciting time and everyone around me was putting in their mission papers, including my closest friends.

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