How to Restore the Christmas Spirit into Your Busy Life

Day 1 of the 12 Days of CHRISTmas

Twinkling lights reflect off the ornaments. The smell of pine fills the room. Holiday songs are playing wherever I go. It is the Christmas season and I can see it all around me, but do I feel it?

This year has been a little crazy for me. Christmas is going to come six days before I am discharged from an eating disorder treatment center. I am now out of 24-hour care and in a day program which means that I get to spend most of this holiday season at home.

roberto-nickson-85119As you can imagine, all this makes it difficult to get into the holiday spirit, but I want to! I mean, who doesn’t besides Ebenezer Scrooge? I want to feel and enjoy this Christmas!

Out of all the Christmases in my past, the ones that were more focused on Christ were the best and most rewarding. So, to help me put Christ into my Christmas this year I am studying “The Living Christ” in 12 sections over 12 days. It’s the 12 days of CHRISTmas! Get it? Anyways, I know that studying “The Living Christ” will help build a greater relationship with my savor as I better understand his role in my life.

The first part of “The Living Christ” says:

As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born into this world. Okay, so? Every second there are 4.3 babies born. That is a lot of babies! What makes him more special than any of the other births that happened this very second?

I mean I get it. Babies are cute, and I feel better when I’m holding them. While in treatment, one of the therapists brought in her grandson and we got to hold him. It was terrific therapy for me! I couldn’t stop smiling that day. But how is Christ different than any other cute smiling baby?

Christ is special because I know that his life and death has already affected every single person, including my myself. He died for me! Now, if someone pushed me out of the way of a car hurling toward me and was killed in the process I would never forget them. Christ did that. He died to save me.

This video gives me chills because it allows me to better comprehend his profound influence upon my life.

Without Christ I would not be where I am today. I would not be able to recover from my eating disorder. I would not be able to experience the peace and joy that I do. Because of Him I can progress and grow. Through him, I can become the person I know that I am. Through him I can survive with my overwhelming depression, anxiety, and eating disorder. I know that is the true spirit of Christmas.

Read Day 2 of the 12 Days of CHRISTmas by clicking HERE

Originally Published 12/4/16


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